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Surabhi Dhoopa - Gou Ganga

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Surabhi Dhoopa - Gou Ganga


Surabhi Dhoopa - Gou Ganga

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Surabhi Dhoopa - Gou Ganga


Surabhi Dhoop Cones made with Desi Cow Dung (Goumaya) and essential oil. Goumaya is one of the ingredients of Panchagavya which has high medicinal value. Burning Gomaya purifies the atmosphere and checks radiation effects. It balances atmospheric temperature and kills germs in the air. It gives ideal atmosphere for your prayer.

Surabhi Dhoopa - Gou Ganga


Surabhi Dhoop Cones made with Desi Cow Dung (Goumaya) and essential oil. Goumaya is one of the ingredients of Panchagavya which has high medicinal value. Burning Gomaya purifies the atmosphere and checks radiation effects. It balances atmospheric temperature and kills germs in the air. It gives ideal atmosphere for your prayer.

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