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Gomaya Khanda

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Gomaya Khanda


Gomaya Khanda , Ingredient: Desi cow Ghee, Ghee, RIce grain

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An unique product made with desi cow dung which gives an ideal atmosphere for your prayers. Suitable for Agnihotra and Havans. Burning cow dung purifies the atmosphere by releasing oxygen and by checking radiation effects. Moreover, the disinfectant effect of cow dung reduces pathogenic bacteria, keeping away mosquito and other insects.

Gomaya Khanda

An unique product made with desi cow dung which gives an ideal atmosphere for your prayers. Suitable for Agnihotra and Havans. Burning cow dung purifies the atmosphere by releasing oxygen and by checking radiation effects. Moreover, the disinfectant effect of cow dung reduces pathogenic bacteria, keeping away mosquito and other insects.

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